Marc Safman’s journey is a testament to resilience, determination and perseverance. At the age of 16, Marc underwent brain surgery to excise a brain tumor. This surgery left him deaf and with fluctuating vision. This was a time before the Internet, making his challenges even more difficult. Despite these setbacks, Marc persevered through mainstream schools, confronting numerous accessibility hurdles along the way.
Initially working as a paralegal in financial services and compliance management, Marc encountered significant barriers in professional networking and accessibility. He often struggled to obtain accessible documents, which were rarely available in the formats he needed. This experience illuminated the broader issue: many businesses were unaware of the need to make their websites and documents accessible. And those that may have been aware of the need did not know how to begin the process toward accessibility. This realization led Marc to found Safman Consulting, focusing on training and hiring individuals who are blind and deaf as well as advocating for website and document accessibility. Safman Consulting also focuses on educating businesses to create accommodations for the disabled community and potential disabled employees. This is one of Safman Consulting’s focuses because Marc firmly believes that the burden to be accessible should not be on the disabled person.
Safman Consulting works with their clients to enhance accessibility in the workplace thereby creating a more inclusive world. Safman’s work focuses on reviewing accommodation policies, engaging with the disabled community, creating inclusive apprenticeships and internships, raising awareness, leading training events, fundraising, and so much more. Marc’s advice to fellow entrepreneurs is clear: work with people and engage with your community. “Accessibility saves you money and makes you money,” he asserts, highlighting that accessible websites can attract a broader customer base and prevent costly lawsuits. He also stresses the importance of educating businesses on simple, cost-effective accessibility solutions, avoiding overpriced and unnecessary widgets.
Marc encourages individuals not to be afraid to ask for what they need and to be prepared with multiple solutions. He advises staying positive, persistent, and proactive in seeking accommodations. “Once you give up, that’s what they want,” he warns, urging continuous effort to break down accessibility barriers.
Marc Safman’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of accessibility and inclusion, both in the workplace and beyond. Through Safman Consulting, he is making significant strides in creating opportunities for the disabled community, advocating for systemic change, and educating businesses on the benefits of an accessible environment. We’re excited to announce Marc Safman’s new partnership with Splash Box Marketing as a dedicated salesperson. With his extensive experience and commitment to accessibility, Marc is poised to bring a wealth of knowledge to our team.
For assistance in building an accessibility plan or remediating documents, contact Splash Box Marketing at info@splashbox.com or by visiting our website at splashbox.com.
For help in seeking accessibility accommodations, to get an accommodation policy review, or to learn more about #DeafBlindInclusion, contact Marc at safmanconsulting.com.